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FAQ for memberships

Q: Do I get discounts?

A: yes, when you become a member you get up to 50% off on selected items in our online store


Q: Being a member, does it do anything for the giveaways? 

A: in order to enter the giveaway, you must become a member but if you want more entries a day for the giveaways, you may need to subscribe to us


Q: Do I have to pay?

A: no, signing up is 100% free


Q: Is there any hidden fees?

A: nope, 100% fee free


Q: Is there premium member accounts?

A: not as of this moment but we are working on it


Q: For a premium membership, how much would it cost?

A: it would only cost $2.99/month 


Q: What is included in the premium membership?

A: You get up to 15 entries/day for giveaways, you get automatically free shipping for orders over $35 and you are automatically entered into our premium giveaways


Q: When will the Online store be opened?

A: Our online store opens on November 15, 2014


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